《萬朵玫瑰賀國慶暨多元文化青年音樂會》由新家園協會、油尖旺多元文化活動中心及 HOME 少數族裔人士支援服務中心主辦;並由佰度空間製作有限公司、國際文化藝術教育學會、香港政研會合辦。
此活動是為了鼓勵學生共同參與10 月 1 日國慶節,推廣愛國情懷,讓他們能夠進一步認識中國文化傳統,推廣多元化青年發展和種族共融,以達致萬眾齊心賀國慶的意義。
Ten Thousand Rose in celebration of National Day
This activity was organized by New Home Association, YauTsimMong Multicultural Activity Center and HOME Ethnic Minority Support Service Center; and co-organized by Baidu Space Production Co., Ltd., International Society of Culture and Art Education, and Hong Kong Political Research Association.
This activity is to encourage students to participate in the National Day on October 1, promote patriotism, enable them to better understand Chinese cultural traditions, promote the development of diverse youth and racial integration, so as to achieve the meaning of celebrating the National Day by all.